These videos are for continuing education for people who are doulas or childbirth educators.  I hope you enjoy and are able to gain more knowledge in your field of work!

How Do You Teach Breastfeeding?


Why Breastfeed??

Stuck in Labor - Why?


Doulas and Childbirth Educators - Phases of Labor? Really?

Doulas - Wow! You Can Get Paid?

The Greatest Pregnancy Ever

Doulas - How to Start a Doula Business

Childbirth/Doulas and VBACs

Doulas:Childbirth Educators - HELP! I DON'T HAVE MONEY FOR VISUALS!!!

Doula: Visuals for Labor Positions

Doula and Childbirth Educator - Oops! My Water Broke!

Doulas - What's Inside your Doula Bag?

Doulas - What to do When a Baby is Not Born "Perfect"


Doulas and Childbirth Educators - How to Get Those Evaluations Filled Out for Certification

Doulas, Childbirth Educators - Keep Laboring Mom Hydrated!

Doulas and CB Educators: Demonstrating Interventions Used for Epidurals

Doula: Explain what a Doula is in Less than a Minute!

Doulas and CB Educators: Comfort Measures to Teach and Use

Doulas: Working with Sexually Abused Moms - Part Two